Chiropractic Care Explained
Chiropractic Care is a form of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignment of the joints, especially those of the spinal column, which are believed to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs. The spinal cord is housed inside the spine and distributes nerves through every bone in your spine. The spine has twenty-four bones and a joint on both sides of each bone; this means the spine can move forty-eight different ways! This becomes dangerous when a bone moves out of place and applies pressure on a nerve, called a subluxation. A subluxation does not always cause pain in the spine, however, it will always cause malfunction in the body. Wherever the nerve travels to in the body, the brain is not able to send messages through that nerve as effectively as it would without nerve interference from the misaligned bone. This can cause many different issues in the body that many have not been told could be due to the alignment of the spine. Digestive issues, heart conditions, liver problems, and asthma are just a few symptoms that could be caused by a nerve that is being compromised by the spine.
The sensory part of the nerve only makes up 8% of the nerve. This part of the nerve is responsible for communicating pain, burning, or numbness in the spine. The other 92% of your spine is strictly responsible for communicating to your organs, functions, and glands. If a subluxation, or a misalignment of the bone applying pressure on a nerve, could be applying pressure on either the sensory part of the nerve, causing pain, or the pressure could be applied to the part of the nerve that is responsible for everything else, causing no back pain at all, but affecting the organ system that nerve is responsible for! Although Chiropractic Care is often considered a pain management technique, anyone who truly understands chiropractic care knows it is so much bigger than that!
Dr. Dan uses many techniques to relieve people from nerve interference. In your adjustment, it is common for Dr. Dan to use the nerve activator, a drop table, or a traction table (or a Cox table). Dr. Dan pays strong attention to detail and is thorough in walking you through every part of your adjustment and assuring you in your care at all times. You will never have to wonder what Dr. Dan is working on with you or what his plan is for your health!